Gardens in Terrace
British Columbia, Canada.

A plant combination that grows well in Terrace, B.C. and area. Garden design by Elaine Fleischmann, Terrace, B.C.


Tulip: Triumph - "Attila"

The very deep pink tulip featured here is "Attila". It is a Triumph tulip - tall, strong, inexpensive, and easy to grow. These are 22 inches (55 cm) tall, are left planted all the time and come back into bloom reliably, every year. Hint: Buy good quality bulbs from a local garden center. This photo was taken in Terrace in very early May.


Euphorbia (common name: Spurge)

Euphorbia is growing to the front and right of the stand of tulips. Athough related to the Christmas poinsettia, it is a hardy perennial and can be left outside all winter in this area. This plant demands little attention, and can be grown in both sun and shade. The lime to bright yellow bracts are very cheerful in spring, and the loose mound contrasts well with the spiked leaves of surrounding bulbs.


Muscari armeniacum (Grape Hyacinth)

Beautiful for their true blue colour, Muscari is a very popular and easily grown bulb. These are also stunning planted "en masse". They are 10 inches tall here and always uplift the spring spirit.

Taken in Terrace, B.C. early May.
Photo ©


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